OUR RETAIL DVD'S ARE FOR HOME USE ONLY AND MAY NOT BE SHOWN TO GROUPS OR IN ANY OTHER INSTITUTION WITHOUT AN APPROPRIATE LICENSE. THE US-RETAIL DVD RIGHTS ARE RETAINED BY A DIFFERENT COMPANY AND RETAIL COPIES FROM THIS SITE CAN BE IMPORTED INTO THE US BY INDIVIDUALS ONLY. we have worldwide rights for educational and event and is a company own by the maker of the films. we ask institutions to respect our rights and buy the appropriate license. eu law applies to protect our copyright and rights


Our standard institutional licensing packages are designed to provide colleges, universities and qualified nonprofits with the best value for multiple uses, and our one-time community screening licenses allow any organization to exhibit high-quality films for a reasonable fee. Please note that all licensing carries restrictions on audience numbers and/or geographic range.

EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS allow unlimited use in face-to-face classroom situations for the life of the media, restricted to a single campus or location. Please note that this license doesn't include public screenings or digital transmission of any kind.

PUBLIC PERFORMANCE RIGHTS (PPR) allow educational and nonprofit groups to exhibit our films to groups of 100 or fewer individuals where admission is not charged. The term of the public performance license is for the life of the DVD. However, if you intend to charge admission, expect an audience over 100, or publicly advertise the screening, then we ask that you contact us regarding an exhibition fee. Films purchased without Public Performance Rights are restricted for individual viewing or face-to-face teaching in the classroom only.

K-12 PPR comes with limited performance rights so films can be shown in classrooms, at PTA meetings, during after school programs, and transmitted on a closed-circuit system within a K-12 school building or on a single campus. 


CUSTOM SCREENING LICENSES (price varies) provide any group with a one-time screening, with fees based on the number expected to attend (or size of venue) and whether you plan to charge admission.


If you want to book a film for a community screening, contact Director of Event Sales, Boyana Ivanova at with the title of the film, date you wish to hold a screening, the expected number of attendees, and whether you plan to charge admission.

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